Civilization Lessons

From the heroic feats of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar to the punishments of Sisyphus, learn about Greek/Hellenic and Roman civilization! Watch videos made by high school and college students about Greek and Roman Mythology, History, Literature, and Culture!

Video #1 - Wyatt Roder

Introduction to Greek and Roman Civilization

In this video, Wyatt tells us who the Greeks and Romans were, and introduces their history, literature, culture, mythology, and religion.

Video #2 - Wyatt Roder

Introduction to Greco-Roman Myth: Sources

In this video, Wyatt introduces Greco-Roman Mythology, explaining what mythology is and giving the primary sources we use to understand it.

Video #3 - Wyatt Roder

Introduction to Greco-Roman Myth: Theogony

In this video, Wyatt continues where he left off in his introduction of Greco-Roman Mythology, mentioning chronology and explaining the beginnings of Greek mythology as recounted in Hesiod's Theogony.

Video #4 - Wyatt Roder

Introduction to Roman History

In this video, Wyatt introduces us to the Ancient Romans, and shows how Roman civilization evolved over time

Video #5 - Wyatt Roder

Overthrow of Cronus and The Main Pantheon

In this video, Wyatt continues where he left off in his introduction of Greco-Roman Mythology, mentioning the overthrow of Cronus and giving us the main Pantheon of gods.

Video #6 - James McCurley

Introduction to Ancient Greece

In this video, James introduces Hellenic civilization, telling us about the geography of the Ancient Greek world and exploring its chronology through its various ages and periods.

