
We are a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization with the goal of making a Classical education accessible for all. Through resources for all subjects Classics-related, lessons created by passionate high school and college students, practice questions, and games, we hope to not only improve your Latin skills but also your complete understanding of the classical world.

Access to the study of Latin and Greek has historically been restricted by social class and wealth. Wealthy families could afford private tutors or send their children to prestigious schools where classical languages were taught, while those from lower social classes had limited access to formal education. As Latin and Greek now become more commonly taught in public high schools, we hope to also break down barriers to quality learning by offering a comprehensive and entirely free online platform. Through our commitment to accessibility, we will provide learners from all backgrounds with the tools they need to embark on a journey through the treasures of Latin language and ancient civilizations.

Ultimately, we envision ScholaLatinae to be a community of learners that fosters creativity and connection. We hope to give out an annual scholarship to a high school student that impacts their community through Classics and host tournaments and challenges with monetary prizes to encourage practice. Together, we will build a world where the wonders of the Classics are not just confined to the privileged few but are open and accessible to all who seek knowledge, inspiration, and connection.